3 min readNov 29, 2020

BNXFINEX - Digital Banking Changing The World

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Bitcoin rises 125% this 2020, with a significant acceleration in recent days between the entry of Paypal into the cryptocurrency market (it will incorporate them as a payment method) and the advances of central banks with their digital currencies. Like the digital euro of the European Central Bank. Optimism is not only noticeable in small investors, but also in large companies that have begun to pay part of their workers’ wages in bitcoins. (30%, which is what is allowed in Spain of salary in kind). There are even businesses, from dentists to restaurants, that offer discounts to customers who pay with this cryptocurrency.

Where the chart refers to the “Beark market” we might take this to mean the bear market.

The growth of the sector, which had already been accelerated, has been increased due to the situation generated by covid-19. Since February, the number of inquiries they have received has tripled and as a consequence, the volume of operations has increased by 200%. In Spain, growth is gradual, but interest in this means of payment has already been aroused, especially in the last 6 months, where “much more progress has been made than in the last 4 years.” Pastor points out that the intention of launching a digital euro and dollar has encouraged people to invest, which is why they are so focused on the educational part, which is their strength.
They also have a real state service running, where they allow buying real estate with bitcoin. And in turn, they offer solutions to institutions, investment funds and financial organizations that wish to carry out large operations. The OTC (Over The Counter) service is designed for trading high volumes of cryptocurrencies.

BNXFINEX is leading the charge by taking advantage of Digital Bank’s great saving power with the strengths of cryptocurrencies to give you a perfect hybrid platform for crypto trading!

Digital banking is not just a bank, it’s the technology used to make the experience of using money better. BNXFINEX focuses highly on our customers’ experience. We want to make everything simple, easy, and convenient for you.

For BNXFINEX, customers are not just numbers, but unique individuals who contribute to our growth and prosperity. Therefore, your digital banking experience on BNXFINEX will be completely personalized. This is achieved is through data collection and analysis using predictive intelligence and other machine learning algorithms. We will understand what you like to do and drive our services to your needs. By integrating the power of blockchain, BNXFINEX can ensure secure payments for users. You won’t need to present your cards physically, therefore you are free from the risk of your data being exposed through payment devices.

Blockchain will also help decrease costs and streamline the process of delivering more values to BNXFINEX’s customers.
Thanks to digital banking, something as simple as swapping paper statements with e-statements can save time, money, and also the environment.

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